Client Success Story - Blog # 107

Happy Friday Everyone! Welcome back to another Friday blog. Today I wanted to inspire you to begin your own health journey by telling you about one of my clients' journeys to health and wellness. Let me tell you about Shirley!
This wonderful woman is a hard-working truck driver! Driving, delivering and unloading her cargo to destinations throughout many states. At home, she and her husband are in the process of building a regenerative farm and plan to grow and harvest much of their own food. When she came to me for help, she had 22 significant symptoms. I took a deep dive into her bloodwork, history and symptoms and designed a personalized plan to help her body begin to heal through food, supplements and creating a healthy lifestyle to restore balance. Initially, her symptoms were pretty severe. Rated on 0-10 scale (0=none, 10=severe).
8-9/10 - memory, brain fog, graphic tongue, cold when others are fine, thin/cracked/ridged fingernails, low sex drive, bruised easily, itchy/thin/crepe/easily torn skin.
7/10 was pain and arthritis in her back and hips.
6/10 for skin tags, nasal congestion, sinus drainage, muscle weakness, nausea.
4-5/10 for itching under big toe, fatigue, dyslexia, ADD, lethargy, sensitivity to light and sound.
1-3/10 for migraines and headaches, muscle tension, stress, bleeding gums, poor sleep, hearing, restless leg, shortness of breath, diarrhea, neuropathy, tinnitus, anxiety, restlessness, acid reflux, cataracts and facial hair.
She worked with me for 4 months. Nearly every symptom decreased to 0. She wrote down her story. Enjoy!
My Journey with Julie
From an early age I knew that milk and I simply did not get along. I was tested for learning disabilities from the first grade. My diagnoses: ADHD and both alpha and numeric dyslexia. I was in Special Education, all throughout my schooling and didn't learn to read until seventh grade. I learned only basic math (with the use of a calculator.) I learned that I had a geographic tongue in the fifth grade (not fun). Anything carbonated or acidic burned my mouth, tongue and throat.
I never imagined that all of this could be connected to food and nutrition. I always had plenty of energy and could not sit still. I also had a hard time falling asleep. My mind would run a hundred miles an hour. Memory, focus and recall were always a MAJOR issue.
I got Covid on the tail end of the pandemic and eventually was diagnosed with "Long Covid." After three months of being deathly sick, for the first time in my life, I felt a complete lack of energy. I was weak and tired all the time.
I started m journey with Julie on September 15th, 2024, and began my individual nutrition program. After the first week, there was improvement in my tongue. I never knew that I was in constant pain until I stopped hurting. In just two weeks I began to notice rapid and ongoing improvement in the following areas: My focus, recall and memory, bruising thinning and crepe skin, aches and pains in general, as well as allergies and sinus drainage. My ADHD and dyslexia are now sooooooooooooooooo much better. My ability to deal with changes in my daily life used to create panic attacks. Now amazingly I can handle change with ease. My fear and stress levels are greatly improved. I am actually able to handle cold weather much better. This is all just short of a miracle.
I now have zero cramping in my lower legs and little to no restless legs. Even three marble sized knots on my right calf area have simply disappeared. My hair is beginning to thicken grow again. I have lost approximately fifteen pounds. My waist size has gone from 36" to 31" and my stored fat is greatly reduced and slowly still going down.
At 65 years old I am learning and living a much happier and healthier lifestyle. This program is not easy and requires guidance and self-control, but it is well worth it. Consistency is the key to success here. I will forever be grateful for Julie and her patient guidance. I recommend her program to everyone!
So, until next time my friends…Drink, Drizzle, Digest HP-EVOO at least 4T raw daily, - use more for cooking and drizzling/pouring onto your food - eat the rainbow of organic or wild-sourced or organic veggies (7-9 C) and low-glycemic fruits (to get the rainbow of gut microbes!) - eat wild-caught, pasture-raised, grass-fed - get plenty of sunshine - supplement magnesium, zinc, vitamin D3 + K2 - get your trace minerals and electrolytes with good sea salt - Celtic is hand-harvested and Himalayan was formed before plastics - eat foods high in lutein - drink your body weight in oz of water - get a good pre/probiotic - consume digestible and indigestible fiber for your gut microbes - adaptogens (such as mushrooms) and methylation donors (kale, beets, spinach, cruciferous, lion’s mane…), marjoram, rosemary, oregano, parsley and other herbs to detox, enhance overall health and reverse aging and disease - exercise your body and mind - add a few minutes of mindful meditation to your day to combat stress - take a hot Epsom salt bath and follow with a cold shower/ice plunge - practice “earthing” as an anti-inflammatory - remove EMF (electromagnetic frequency) devices and blue light - use IR (infrared) from incandescent lighting, non-toxic candle or light a fire to enhance sleep and...turn off the light!! #HP-EVOO
Comments (1)
Congrats on your successful health journey! Keep up the good work and enjoy each day you feel better and more energized.